
Profiles of Success

Business Owner, Photographer


Our journey with PPLSI began in 2003, after winning a frivolous lawsuit in my photography business. Despite winning the case, I found myself deep in debt and lost my business. To say the least, this was NOT FAIR! I was very angry with our legal system and could not believe I could lose everything in a frivolous lawsuit even though I won the case.

Richard Skinner, a top business plan producer at the time, introduced me to PPLSI. After hearing how the system worked, I enrolled in the service and became an associate as well. I knew everyone in North America needed this service, especially after going through a lawsuit myself. I had not discussed this decision with my wife, Ronda, before I jumped in head first. Early on, she gave me all the support she could and at times it was hard, I’m sure. She never gave up on me, and I never gave up on PPLSI! She was and is very supportive of my choice. Over the years, she’s not only referred individuals to me but also business owners. Ronda is my number one fan and continues to send me business from her contacts. I am grateful for her in my life, and I know she is PPLSI for life, just as I am.

We started making money, and in a few years, I earned my PPLSI Ring, got out of debt and continue to earn an income. I’m not going to kid you! In the beginning it was hard. I could not recruit anyone who saw the big picture, and I became disillusioned with recruiting. I just continued to sell our service, but I eventually found two individuals who got it and went to work with me. Randy Wells and Shane Lamar, along with their teams, are a big part of where I am right now! We are working together and recruiting but have a big emphasis on selling our services to recruit. At the 2011 Dallas Leadership Summit, all three of us were recognized on stage as being among the top 20 producers in personal sales and retention. What a great day for all of us! I am so proud of them and their successes! We are looking forward to our new era as PPLSI. Onward and upward!

I have said since the beginning of my journey with PPLSI, “If you will treat this opportunity like a business, you will be compensated like a business.”

The only way to fail with this business opportunity is to QUIT! What a terrible decision that would be when we are on the brink of the biggest growth the business world has ever seen.

I will always be indebted to Mr. and Mrs. Harland Stonecipher for this great opportunity and to Richard Skinner for sharing the service and opportunity with me. There is a special place in my heart for them. I wish y’all the very best!